This will drastically change how you use your Chamber Ability, namely the Full-Bore Chamber. The Lucky Magazine mod will provide up to +24% crit chance when your magazine is empty. Full-Bore Chamber + Lucky Magazine for Huge Burst Damage
The empowered Captain's Grip will provide rate of fire buffs to your entire team, and the Searing Prism will provide bonus 250 damage every 10 shots, thus boosting your damage potential even further. Captain's Grip + Searing Prism for Additional Damage Although this may seem risky on paper, your Iceborne damage mitigation and life leech will keep you up in peak condition as long as you consistently damage your target. In order for you to achieve peak performance in this build, you will first have to be below 50% health to trigger the buffs. HP Needs to Be Below 50% to Trigger Buffs This build centers around Iceborne's synergy with Rage and Wild Frenzy acquiring high damage resilience and burst damage output at the same time, while complementing those buffs with other gears to pump out as much bullets as possible. Iceborne Based High Survivability & DPS Build Iceborne + Rage + Wild Frenzy for Huge Buff Any Elemental Barrel According to the Enemy Weakness.